Oh hi! You've found Dustmight, a scrappy little Burning Man camp.

Established(ish) in 2017 and burning every official year since, we're not yet a placed theme camp but hope to be one day! We've camped indie as well as within the venerable Alternative Energy Zone Village. We've ranged from 4–14 campers, and I'm happy to say we've had a variety of ages and experience levels from virgin burners through to 8th-timers.

If you aren't one of the people who already know me (Ty) and want to get in touch, reach me here. (If this describes you, I want to hear from you!)

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF index_postTitleEssential__2024N" href="/event-camp-faq">Event & Camp FAQ</a>

FAQ for first-timers (“virgins”) who may want to join us in the future. If this is you, please read this in its entirety!

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF index_postTitleEssential__2024N" href="/personal-gear-list-faq">Personal Gear List & FAQ</a>

A lot of people go their first year and realize how unprepared and/or focused on the wrong things they were. I won’t let this to happen to you.

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF index_postTitleEssential__2024N" href="/bike-faq">Bike FAQ</a>

FAQ on what bike to bring and how to prepare it.

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF index_postTitleEssential__2024N" href="/food-faq">Food FAQ</a>

Because you can't live on dusty hot dogs alone. (Or can you?)

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF " href="/accuracy-third-episode">Accuracy Third Podcast Episode</a>

A few months before the 2019 event Rex and D-Day of the Accuracy Third Podcast had me join them to record an episode!

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF " href="/10-reasons-why-i-never-wanted-to-go-to-burning-man-and-where-i-was-wrong">10 reasons why I NEVER wanted to go to Burning Man (and where I was wrong)</a><span class="index_postByline__2qJIW"> by Cyndi</span>

Back in '07, my friend Charlie shared her bucket list with me, the first item being Burning Man. I had never heard of anything like it before. While it suited her, I started my own bucket list of things that I would never do. The Burn was the only item on the list.

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF " href="/what-to-wear-and-what-not-to-wear-at-burning-man">What to Wear (and What NOT to Wear) at Burning Man</a><span class="index_postByline__2qJIW"> by Cyndi</span>

The desert is your oyster; now is your chance to be as fabulous as you want to be.

<a class="index_postTitle__2OmYF " href="/beauty-the-burn">Beauty & The Burn: A Ginger's Perspective</a><span class="index_postByline__2qJIW"> by Cyndi</span>

Wondering how to look moderately attractive while doing extreme-camping? I offer this post to help you navigate between what is necessary from the superfluous. Warning: HOT BEAUTY TIPZ AHEAD.